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FGC turisme facilities reduce direct greenhouse gas emissions by 20%

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Tags: FGC Turisme, mountain resorts, carbon footprint, reduction
  • FGC Turisme achieves a 20.82% reduction in direct emissions in 2022 compared to 2018, taking into account the same equipment.


  • Since 2019, indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from electricity consumption have been completely eliminated, as all electricity comes from 100% guaranteed renewable sources.

The report drawn up by FGC Turisme on the reduction of emissions in its equipment highlights the progress achieved in the last 4 years, from 2018 to 2022, since direct emissions have been reduced by 20.82% (Scope 1) of gases with a greenhouse effect. In 2018, the year in which the company started calculating the carbon footprint, 1,805.40 tnCO₂eq were emitted and in 2022 the same equipment generated 1,429.50 tnCO₂eq.

Emphasize that the percentage of 20.82% reduction between 2018 and 2022 includes all direct emissions (Scope 1) and collects data from four of the mountain stations (La Molina, Vall de Núria, Espot and Port Ainé), the Cremallera and the Funiculars of Montserrat and the Tren del Ciment. Therefore, the comparison of the period has been made from the same farms.

Over the course of these four years, three new facilities have been added to the studies carried out by FGC Turisme: Boí Taüll, Vallter and the Montsec Astronomical Park. If this increase is taken into account, overall FGC Turisme emissions have been reduced by 7.44% compared to 2018, taking into account the total footprint (scope 1, 2 and 3).

The carbon footprint of an entity represents the amount of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions generated by its activities. This measure covers three categories of emissions: direct (Scope 1), which include combustion and fugitives; indirect imported electricity (Scope 2), fully renewable at FGC Turisme from 2019; and other indirect emissions (Scope 3), such as goods, services and transport. The management and reduction of this carbon footprint is essential to promote sustainability and commitment to the environment.

As for 2022, FGC Turisme has generated a total of 15,863.19 tnCO₂eq, where 12.32% corresponds to direct emissions from Scope 1, 0% to indirect emissions from imported 100% renewable electricity guaranteed correspond to Scope 2, and 87.68% of other indirect emissions from Scope 3.

FGC Turisme is committed to sustainability
This improvement in the carbon footprint has been possible thanks to the actions that FGC defines in the 2030 Climate Action Agenda in terms of energy transition and renewable energies such as the installation of solar panels or the Gasoil Zero Project which is partially implemented in Vall de Núria and which will gradually be extended to the rest of the holdings.

The FGC mountain resorts are tourist facilities that promote sustainability in the territory and are committed to the fight against the climate emergency. FGC Turisme has the 2030 Climate Action Plan in compliance with the Glasgow Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change held in 2021, COP26. The 2030 Climate Action Plan applied by the company includes the five axes that the Glasgow Declaration considers necessary to carry out effective management in the face of the challenge of climate change: measure, decarbonize, regenerate, collaborate and finance .

FGC turisme facilities reduce direct greenhouse gas emissions by 20%
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